Hello From Sundance!

 Anne and I are wrapping up a wonderful weekend at the first Sundance Catalyst Weekend at the resort. We were truly honored to be invited by the institute to this amazing event. I certainly hope it's not our last.

It is 2 1/2 days of intense panels and discussions on everything from financing to distribution and everything in between. It is such a unique setting to meet new and upcoming filmmakers who have gone through the Sundance Labs or have had films at the festival previously.

We are very excited to tell you that we have partnered up on a few of these fantastic projects.

2 of which I can divulge. CAMPUS ASSAULTS is a documentary that bears witness to the personal testimony of students, administrators, and faculty that deal with the everyday trauma of rape and sexual assaults on college campuses across the nation (300,000 yearly.) Directed by the very talented academy award winning team of Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering (The Invisible War.) The second is an untitled documentary on INDIAN POINT. This will scare the hell out of you New Yorkers. And rightly so.

This doc talks about the aging Indian Point nuclear power plant located 30 miles North of Manhattan. Ivy Meeropol is directing. Ivy has unprecedented access to the inner workings of the plant and its employees. She works with the Emmy award winning producer Julie Goldman of Motto pictures. This female powerhouse duo is a hoot!! I so look forward to working with them.

I would like to thank the Sundance institute for this opportunity to meet and network with such a talented diverse group of people who now we call family!  I can't wait to see my new family in January in Park City. In the meantime... Let's make a movie.

Shout out!! Jason Berman, Keri Putnam, Caroline Libresco, Molly O'Brien. You Rock!